Stay Connected with Ohio Emergency Medical Services: |
Hiring Announcement for Spirit Medical Transport. See attachment.
Warm regards,
Brian K. Hathaway
5484 Ohio Route 49 South
Greenville, Ohio 45331
Phone: 937-548-2800
Facsimile: 937-459-5272
“Our Family Taking Care of Your Family”
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MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator
Department of Fire I City of Dayton
300 N. Main St. I Dayton, Ohio 45402
Office 937.333.4551 I Fax 937.333.4561 I www.daytonohio.gov
24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail 9372278705@archwireless.net
Cell 937.776.4410
From: Ohio EMS <OhioEMS@info.dps.ohio.gov>
Sent: Friday, March 27, 2020 10:03 AM
To: Gerstner, David <David.Gerstner@daytonohio.gov>
Subject: Personal Protective Equipment Needed; New COVID-19 Data Dashboard Unveiled
Stay Connected with Ohio Emergency Medical Services: |