#GMVEMSC: FW: Legislated COVID-19 Contingency Measures for Ohio EMS


ohio department of public safety - safety, service, protection


Ohio Emergency Medical Services

Robert L. Wagoner, Executive Director







Mike DeWine, Governor

Thomas J. Stickrath, Director


Jon Husted, Lt. Governor

Robert L. Wagoner, Executive Director




Ohio EMS providers, EMS agencies, and EMS medical directors


Carol A. Cunningham, M.D., FAAEM, FAEMS


State Medical Director


November 25, 2020


Legislated COVID-19 Contingency Measures for Ohio EMS

On November 23, 2020, Governor DeWine signed House Bill 151 into law.

As most of you are aware, healthcare facilities, including hospitals, are currently facing impactful manpower shortages due to the significant increase in patient hospitalizations paired with healthcare providers who are unable to work due to infection with or exposure to the COVID-19 virus.  Previously, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians, and paramedics functioning within a hospital setting were limited to the emergency department and to transport of patients from the emergency department to other areas within the hospital.  During this critical time of need, there is a need for assistance from all available certified Ohio EMS providers.  House Bill 151 now permits emergency medical responders, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians, and paramedics to perform emergency medical services in any setting, including in any area of a hospital, if the services are performed under the direction and supervision of one of the following:

  • A physician
  • A physician assistant designated by a physician
  • An advanced practice registered nurse designated by a physician

House Bill 151 also provides liability protection to Ohio EMS providers functioning in this role.  Specifically, an emergency medical responder, emergency medical technician, advanced emergency medical technician, and paramedic is not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property resulting from the individual's administration of emergency medical services, unless the services are administered in a manner that constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.

House Bill 151 will remain in effect until July 1, 2021.

Typically, EMS medical directors and most emergency physicians are well versed in the parameters within the Ohio EMS scope of practice.  However, this may not be the case with other healthcare providers or physicians who specialize in other medical specialties.  Each Ohio EMS provider is responsible for their individual Ohio EMS certification and to ensure that their actions are within the authorized Ohio EMS scope of practice for their respective level of certification.  If any healthcare provider requests the provision of emergency medical services that are beyond the Ohio EMS scope of practice, it is the responsibility of the Ohio EMS provider to decline to perform skills or provide services that are not authorized by the State Board of Emergency Medical, Fire, and Transportation Services.  The emergency medical services that have been authorized by the State Board of Emergency Medical, Fire, and Transportation Services are cited in the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) as follows:

  • Emergency medical responder: OAC 4765-12-04


  • Emergency medical technician: OAC 4765-15-04


  • Advanced emergency medical technician: OAC 4765-16-04


  • Paramedic: OAC 4765-17-03


Once again, thank you for your dedicated service to the residents and visitors of the State of Ohio.  The value of EMS as a critical member of our emergency response networks and healthcare systems cannot be overstated, not just during this pandemic, but for each and every day.


#GMVEMSC Training: FW: Legislated COVID-19 Contingency Measures for Ohio EMS


ohio department of public safety - safety, service, protection


Ohio Emergency Medical Services

Robert L. Wagoner, Executive Director







Mike DeWine, Governor

Thomas J. Stickrath, Director


Jon Husted, Lt. Governor

Robert L. Wagoner, Executive Director




Ohio EMS providers, EMS agencies, and EMS medical directors


Carol A. Cunningham, M.D., FAAEM, FAEMS


State Medical Director


November 25, 2020


Legislated COVID-19 Contingency Measures for Ohio EMS

On November 23, 2020, Governor DeWine signed House Bill 151 into law.

As most of you are aware, healthcare facilities, including hospitals, are currently facing impactful manpower shortages due to the significant increase in patient hospitalizations paired with healthcare providers who are unable to work due to infection with or exposure to the COVID-19 virus.  Previously, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians, and paramedics functioning within a hospital setting were limited to the emergency department and to transport of patients from the emergency department to other areas within the hospital.  During this critical time of need, there is a need for assistance from all available certified Ohio EMS providers.  House Bill 151 now permits emergency medical responders, emergency medical technicians, advanced emergency medical technicians, and paramedics to perform emergency medical services in any setting, including in any area of a hospital, if the services are performed under the direction and supervision of one of the following:

  • A physician
  • A physician assistant designated by a physician
  • An advanced practice registered nurse designated by a physician

House Bill 151 also provides liability protection to Ohio EMS providers functioning in this role.  Specifically, an emergency medical responder, emergency medical technician, advanced emergency medical technician, and paramedic is not liable in damages in a civil action for injury, death, or loss to person or property resulting from the individual's administration of emergency medical services, unless the services are administered in a manner that constitutes willful or wanton misconduct.

House Bill 151 will remain in effect until July 1, 2021.

Typically, EMS medical directors and most emergency physicians are well versed in the parameters within the Ohio EMS scope of practice.  However, this may not be the case with other healthcare providers or physicians who specialize in other medical specialties.  Each Ohio EMS provider is responsible for their individual Ohio EMS certification and to ensure that their actions are within the authorized Ohio EMS scope of practice for their respective level of certification.  If any healthcare provider requests the provision of emergency medical services that are beyond the Ohio EMS scope of practice, it is the responsibility of the Ohio EMS provider to decline to perform skills or provide services that are not authorized by the State Board of Emergency Medical, Fire, and Transportation Services.  The emergency medical services that have been authorized by the State Board of Emergency Medical, Fire, and Transportation Services are cited in the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) as follows:

  • Emergency medical responder: OAC 4765-12-04


  • Emergency medical technician: OAC 4765-15-04


  • Advanced emergency medical technician: OAC 4765-16-04


  • Paramedic: OAC 4765-17-03


Once again, thank you for your dedicated service to the residents and visitors of the State of Ohio.  The value of EMS as a critical member of our emergency response networks and healthcare systems cannot be overstated, not just during this pandemic, but for each and every day.




Per Chairperson Ryan Konkel, there will not be a meeting of the GMVEMSC CQI Committee in December.  He sends his greetings and wishes you all Happy Holidays!


David N. Gerstner, President

Greater Miami Valley EMS Council







#GMVEMSC: 2021 GMVEMS Council Meeting Dates

Good afternoon,

For your scheduling purposes, the 2021 meeting dates for GMVEMSC are listed below.

Additional information regarding location or virtual access will be sent closer to the meetings:


GMVEMS Council - 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

January 26th  

March 23rd   

May 25th  

July 27th   

September 28th  

November 30th     







Sandy Lehrter

Office Manager/Executive Assistant

Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association

Greater Miami Valley EMS Council


p: 937.424.2374  |  m: 937.307.6553

w: https://gdaha.org  e: slehrter@gdaha.org


a: 124 E. Third St. Suite 400 Dayton, OH 45402


#GMVEMSC: FW: Ohio EMS 2020 COVID-19 PPE Reimbursement Grant Opportunity

ohio department of public safety - safety, service, protection


Ohio Emergency Medical Services

Robert L. Wagoner, Interim Executive Director




 Ohio EMS 2020 COVID-19 PPE Reimbursement Grant Opportunity


All Ohio EMS organizations and medical transportation agencies are encouraged to apply

REMINDER!!! There's still time to apply for the Ohio Division of EMS 2020 COVID-19 PPE reimbursement grant. 

The Division of EMS will award up to $425,000 to Ohio EMS and medical transportation agencies for the reimbursement of PPE through December 31, 2020, or until all funds have been exhausted. Eligible Ohio EMS and medical transportation agencies may receive a one time award of up to $1500 for qualifying PPE purchased between January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020.

Find more information on terms, conditions, and the application here.


#GMVEMSC: FW: Additional SPECIAL "Good Night Lights" at DCH

Dayton Children’s Hospital is still hoping to have a great deal of participation from public safety vehicles on Thanksgiving for their “Good Night Lights” to help cheer up children who have to spend the holiday in the hospital.

But there is a new special request.  Sadly, there is a five-year-old at DCH who is not likely to be with us to see your vehicles on Thanksgiving.  If any police, fire, and EMS vehicles can come by Dayton Children’s at 7:30 tonight, please do.  It would be very special for both the child and her parents.

The same rules as before:  they’re asking everyone to stay in vehicles to alleviate COVID concerns.  Call Chief Toney with questions.

And don’t forget to come by on Thanksgiving, too.

Attached is a flyer for Thanksgiving  “Good Night Lights”. Please feel free to pass along. * We are asking all first Responders to remain in their vehicles.*


Thank you both for your help as always.


Aundray Toney


Dayton Children’s Hospital department of Public safety

Dayton Children's Hospital

One Children's Plaza

Dayton, Ohio 45404-1815

O: 937-641-4217

M: 937-344-6907

E: Toneya@childrensdayton.org





Greater Miami Valley EMS Council
124 E. Third Street Suite 400, Dayton OH 45402
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#GMVEMSC Training: FW: Additional SPECIAL "Good Night Lights" at DCH

Dayton Children’s Hospital is still hoping to have a great deal of participation from public safety vehicles on Thanksgiving for their “Good Night Lights” to help cheer up children who have to spend the holiday in the hospital.

But there is a new special request.  Sadly, there is a five-year-old at DCH who is not likely to be with us to see your vehicles on Thanksgiving.  If any police, fire, and EMS vehicles can come by Dayton Children’s at 7:30 tonight, please do.  It would be very special for both the child and her parents.

The same rules as before:  they’re asking everyone to stay in vehicles to alleviate COVID concerns.  Call Chief Toney with questions.

And don’t forget to come by on Thanksgiving, too.

Attached is a flyer for Thanksgiving  “Good Night Lights”. Please feel free to pass along. * We are asking all first Responders to remain in their vehicles.*


Thank you both for your help as always.


Aundray Toney


Dayton Children’s Hospital department of Public safety

Dayton Children's Hospital

One Children's Plaza

Dayton, Ohio 45404-1815

O: 937-641-4217

M: 937-344-6907

E: Toneya@childrensdayton.org





Greater Miami Valley EMS Council
124 E. Third Street Suite 400, Dayton OH 45402
To unsubscribe from this list please go to:

#GMVEMSC: GMVEMS Council Meeting - November 24th - 2:00 p.m.

Good afternoon,

The next GMVEMS Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 24th at 2:00 p.m. via Zoom.

In preparation, attached please find the draft minutes from September 22nd, and an agenda.

Zoom access information is included below:


GMVEMSC & MMRS are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting Online:

Meeting ID: 810 3202 9260
Passcode: 710291

Join Zoom Meeting via Phone:
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,81032029260#,,,,,,0#,,710291# US (Washington D.C)
+13126266799,,81032029260#,,,,,,0#,,710291# US (Chicago)

Dial by your location
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Meeting ID: 810 3202 9260
Passcode: 710291
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kc1GCHAgLB

To Unmute:

  1. On a desktop
    1. Click Unmute on the bottom left of the meeting control panel (clicking again mutes user), or…
    2. Click the blue Unmute over your name or picture, or…
    3. Click Alt + A (click Alt + A again to re-mute)
    4. Pressing and holding the Space Bar unmutes the user temporarily, until spacebar is released
  2. On a Phone
    1. Press * then 6 to mute and unmute user in Zoom meeting
    2. It may be necessary to unmute phone as well

Screen Sharing:

  1. To share your desktop screen, click the Share Screen button in the meeting controls panel at the bottom of the zoom window.
  2. Select one of the screen sharing options (Unless you are trying to share a white board or are using the Zoom app via cellphone, select Screen One).
  3. Click Share

Note: Sharing your screen moves the meeting control panel to a different part of your screen (usually the top). The panel can be moved by clicking and dragging it around your screen.


Let me know if you have any questions.




Sandy Lehrter

Office Manager/Executive Assistant

Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association

Greater Miami Valley EMS Council


p: 937.424.2374  |  m: 937.307.6553

w: https://gdaha.org  e: slehrter@gdaha.org


a: 124 E. Third St. Suite 400 Dayton, OH 45402


#GMVEMSC: FW: "Good Night Lights"

Attached is a flyer for Thanksgiving  “Good Night Lights”. Please feel free to pass along. * We are asking all first Responders to remain in their vehicles.*


Thank you both for your help as always.


Aundray Toney


Dayton Children’s Hospital department of Public safety

Dayton Children's Hospital

One Children's Plaza

Dayton, Ohio 45404-1815

O: 937-641-4217

M: 937-344-6907

E: Toneya@childrensdayton.org





#GMVEMSC: FW: "Good Night Lights"


Attached is a flyer for Thanksgiving  “Good Night Lights”. Please feel free to pass along. * We are asking all first Responders to remain in their vehicles.*


Thank you both for your help as always.


Aundray Toney


Dayton Children’s Hospital department of Public safety

Dayton Children's Hospital

One Children's Plaza

Dayton, Ohio 45404-1815

O: 937-641-4217

M: 937-344-6907

E: Toneya@childrensdayton.org





#GMVEMSC: GMVEMSC Research (Community Paramedicine) Committee Meeting - November 17th - 1:00 p.m.


The next meeting of the Research (Community Paramedicine) Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, November 17th from 1:00 p.m.to 2:00 p.m.

*Please note, this start time is later than the regular time.*

Zoom access information can be found below:


GMVEMSC Research Committee/Community Paramedicine Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting Online:

Meeting ID: 810 2183 6479
Passcode: 023092

Join Zoom Meeting via Phone:
One tap mobile
+19294362866,,81021836479#,,,,,,0#,,023092# US (New York)
+13017158592,,81021836479#,,,,,,0#,,023092# US (Washington D.C)

Dial by your location
        +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 810 2183 6479
Passcode: 023092
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/keALCcmYfh

To Unmute:

  1. On a desktop
    1. Click Unmute on the bottom left of the meeting control panel (clicking again mutes user), or…
    2. Click the blue Unmute over your name or picture, or…
    3. Click Alt + A (click Alt + A again to re-mute)
    4. Pressing and holding the Space Bar unmutes the user temporarily, until spacebar is released
  2. On a Phone
    1. Press * then 6 to mute and unmute user in Zoom meeting
    2. It may be necessary to unmute phone as well

Screen Sharing:

  1. To share your desktop screen, click the Share Screen button in the meeting controls panel at the bottom of the zoom window.
  2. Select one of the screen sharing options (Unless you are trying to share a white board or are using the Zoom app via cellphone, select Screen One).
  3. Click Share

Note: Sharing your screen moves the meeting control panel to a different part of your screen (usually the top). The panel can be moved by clicking and dragging it around your screen.



#GMVEMSC: FW: Ohio Homeland Security Fall Webinar Series

FREE webinar series concludes this week




to the
Ohio Homeland Security Fall Webinar Series


Dear Ohio Homeland Security Partner,

The OHS Fall Webinar Series concludes this week with sessions seven and eight.

There are still spots available and you don't want to miss these sessions.

Register now by clicking on the links below.

Webinar SESSION 7: Tuesday, November 17 (10:00am - 12:00pm) - Suspicious Activity Reporting/Information Sharing

Webinar SESSION 8: Thursday, November 19 (10:00am - 12:00pm) - Grants/Funding Opportunities

Participation is limited to 240 attendees for each session.

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