Heather Koss RN EMTP EMS Coordinator Dayton Children's Hospital One Children's Plaza Dayton, Ohio 45404-1815 O: 937-641-4534 M: 937-829-7985 F: 937-641-3131 E: kossh@childrensdayton.org  | |
Ohio EMS Agency Survey for Pediatrics begins January 2020
· More information regarding the state of Ohio EMS Pediatric Care Coordinator survey is listed on the EMSC website.
· Agencies may have an individual PECC within the Department and or share a Regional PECC that might not be part of your agency At your discretion, you may list (Heather Koss GMVEMS Regional Pediatric Care Coordinator).
· The assessment should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Participation in this project is voluntary, however results from the assessment will be used to track ongoing success in integrating the needs of children into our overall emergency care systems.
· Please feel free to contact me about the program or survey if you have any further questions. The survey is directly to attached for your convince.
| | EMS Agency Survey for Pediatrics begins January 2020 Beginning in January 2020, the EMS for Children Program will survey EMS agencies across the nation as part of its effort to determine where each state’s EMS program stands concerning pediatric emergency care. The survey will include questions about the agency’s Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator (PECC), and about how often the agency verifies the pediatric skills of its staff. This survey will be coordinated by the National EMS for Children Data Analysis and Resource Center (NEDARC), which is operated by the University of Utah under contract with the Federal EMS for Children Program. All Ohio EMS agencies that respond to 9-1-1 calls will be contacted by NEDARC through postal mail and e-mail. In addition, the Ohio EMS for Children Committee will also contact agencies to encourage their participation. It will be available electronically, and the link to the survey will be provided. The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete. There will be questions about the EMS agency, followed by questions about how often, and in what way your agency trains on the use of pediatric equipment. The next questions deal with the agency’s PECC (if you have named one, what activities your PECC takes on for your agency). Finally, you will be allowed to make any comments concerning the survey, and provide contact information. The EMS for Children Program uses the information received in the surveys to evaluate how well EMS agencies across the country are addressing the EMS for Children Performance Measures. These measures include the percentage of EMS agencies in a state with a PECC, and the frequency and methods of pediatric skill verification. The results also allow the Ohio EMS for Children Program to focus future efforts and resources on areas with the most need for improvement. The survey is open now and will close in late March 2020. An e-mail will come from emsc@hsc.utah.edu, so please be on the lookout for our survey to arrive in early January. You can find out additional information on the Ohio EMS for Children website, at https://www.ems.ohio.gov/emsc.aspx, the NEDARC website, https://www.nedarc.org/, or the EMS for Children Innovation and Improvement Center (EIIC) website, https://emscimprovement.center/. The survey is available to complete at https://emscsurveys.org/. We recommend that you download the PDF version first to help in completing all parts of the survey. If you have any questions about the survey, please contact NEDARC at the email above, or contact Ohio EMS for Children Coordinator, Joe Stack, at emsc@dps.ohio.gov or 800-233-0785. | | | |
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