Below is an important survey about the future of trauma education requirements in Ohio. Please make this survey available to all EMS personnel, and all hospital ED and trauma personnel.
David N. Gerstner, President
Greater Miami Valley EMS Council
| | ATTENTION OHIO TRAUMA CARE PROVIDERS The Ohio Trauma System is designed to get severely injured patients to the “right hospital, in the right manner, in the right amount of time.” These three factors increase the patient’s chances of survival while minimizing chances of suffering severe disabilities and death. One of the Ohio Trauma Committee’s goals is to ensure that trauma care providers in Ohio have the appropriate training to deliver state-of-the-art care to all trauma patients. To that end, researchers at Innovative Emergency Management (IEM) have been contracted by the Ohio Department of Public Safety Division of EMS to provide an analysis of the current level of preparedness of Ohio’s trauma care providers. We invite you to participate in a brief survey that will help us better understand the current status of trauma care and identify potential barriers to trauma education and training required for physicians, emergency department nursing staff, and EMS personnel. Your participation in this survey will help strengthen Ohio’s Trauma System through identification of any gaps in education and training that could better focus future educational efforts for those who provide trauma care. The trauma education and training survey will be open for responses starting July 8, 2019, and will conclude at the end of the day on August 2, 2019. We encourage you to access and complete this important survey using the following link: The survey will take about 5 minutes to complete. We will not collect any identifying information and your responses are completely anonymous. Feel free to share this link with other physicians, nurses, or EMS personnel who provide trauma care in Ohio. On behalf of the Ohio Trauma Committee, we thank you for recognizing the importance of this research and for taking a few minutes of your time now to help strengthen future trauma care in Ohio. Sincerely, Diane Simon, RN, CEN, Chair, Ohio Trauma Committee Sid Baccam, PhD, Manager, IEM Information Solutions & Emerging Technologies | | | |
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