

The CQI Committee requests that your EMS department submit data on the following measure categories: Cardiac Arrest, Chest Pain, and Stroke. We request that data in the following target months: May and June. You are able to submit other months to complete a year’s worth of data. We also have other measures available to you that the Committee is not requesting. We currently have measures in the SMR category. You are able to use/submit data on these measures for your department. We would like to discuss our measurement data at our next meeting. Which is on Tuesday, August 1st at 1130. The meeting is held at the GDAHA building at 241 Taylor Street Suite 130 in Dayton.


I have attached the Committee’s current data in a powerpoint for your review.


To submit data, download 1 or 2 of the attached workbooks. If your department has the ability to query multiple EMS calls through its ePCR program, then try out the Multiple PCR Workbook. If you can’t query multiple EMS calls or you prefer completing your QA/QI with a single PCR, then the Single PCR Workbook is your workbook. Both workbooks have a “How To Use” sheet within the workbook. But as always, if you have any questions, please email GMVEMSC.CQI@gmail.com.




Chris L. Brock