Fire and EMS personnel will be called to respond to incidents during episodes of civil unrest, placing themselves at higher risk |
Fire and EMS personnel will be called to respond to incidents during episodes of civil unrest, placing themselves at higher risk |
The Dayton Veterans Administration Medical Center is in the final phase of remodeling their Operating Rooms (ORs). As they put in the new HVAC system, all ORs will be closed. EMS should not take any potential surgical patients to the Dayton VA for the next 10 days (until June 28). This is indicated on the Reroute webpage. If there are any questions regarding specific patients, contact medical control.
All crews are reminded that the new Diversion Policy goes into effect on July 1, along with the rest of the Standing Orders changes. The new policy is centered on capabilities; if the facility doesn’t have capabilities for your patient, you must transport to a location that does have that capability.
COVID-19 Bulletin 12:
Intranasal Naloxone (Narcan)
and Other Medications During the COVID-19 Pandemic
EMS, law enforcement, other health professionals, and even the general public administer intranasal (IN) medications. In particular, using intranasal naloxone (Narcan™) with a Mucosal Atomization Devices (MAD) or Naloxone Nasal Spray has saved thousands of lives.
Concerns have been raised as to whether IN medication administration is what’s called an aerosol-generating procedure. Aerosols, when inhaled, may infect people nearby with COVID-19.
There is little data on how great the risk of IN medications during the COVID pandemic might be. Some experts feel the greatest concern is when the patient sneezes after the IN drug administration.
We do know IN medications can be lifesaving. Withholding naloxone is equivalent to withholding CPR. There are simple steps to protect yourself and others when using the technique:
· When administering IN medications, wear a mask (preferably a fit-tested N-95 mask), gloves, and if available a gown or coveralls to protect your clothes.
· Place a mask on the patient while preparing to administer the drug. If available, use a surgical (also called an isolation) mask.
· Have others stay at least six feet away unless there is a direct need for them to be in closer proximity. Others should also be in proper PPE.
· Administer the IN medication under the patient’s mask if possible. If not, place the mask back on the patient as soon as administration is complete.
· Perform hygiene (e.g., handwashing) after the procedure.
· Wear your mask – it protects you and others.
It is critical that naloxone continue to be administered when needed, and in a manner that reduces risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Information brought to you by Dayton MMRS with approval from Dr. Marriott, Region 3 RPAB Chair. We gratefully acknowledge the help and support of GMVEMSC, and public health, public safety, emergency management and other agencies and individuals throughout the region.
MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator
Department of Fire I City of Dayton
300 N. Main St. I Dayton, Ohio 45402
Office 937.333.4551 I Fax 937.333.4561 I www.daytonohio.gov
24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail 9372278705@archwireless.net
Cell 937.776.4410
david.gerstner@daytonohio.gov I http://DaytonMMRS.org