#GMVEMSC: MVH South Update

Please be advise that this weekend 9/29/2018 and 9/30/2018 there will be asphalt sealing and repaving taking place around the EMS entrance to Miami Valley South.  The areas that will be affected will be at the ambulance entrance as well as Miami Valley Drive (entrance off of Wilmington Pike).  Please see attached maps for closures and areas affected.  One lane of traffic will be maintained to access the Medic entrance.  Any questions feel free to contact me.


Thank you for you cooperation!

Chris Freeze Paramedic/EMS-I

Premier Health

Miami Valley Hospital South

EMS Coordinator

Email- crfreeze@premierhealth.com

Office- (937) 438-4438

Cell- (937) 543-9618

Fax- (937) 341-8230

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#GMVEMSC: Survey - PLEASE RESPOND - GMVEMSC Grant Workshops for Member Departments

The GMVEMSC Grants Committee has been working on a  4 hour Grant Workshop that member departments can attend for free.


The event will be held at the Montgomery County Library at a date to be determined based on the inquiry feedback. There will be a featured speaker and food will be provided.

We are trying to ensure maximum participation and bring the workshop time frame in-line with as many interested departments as possible. Before the plans can be finalized we need to determine:


1) Is a weekday or a Saturday best for those interested in attending?


2) What time of day is best - afternoon hours or evening hours?


Once the results are queried we will solidify the plans and publish the event details. There will also be a follow up grant workshop that specifically focuses on the tools available within the Montgomery County Library to assist in researching and penning grant applications that will follow the same time frames as this initial one.


Please use the following Survey Monkey link to provide your input:



If you are unable to use the link please respond to this email (gmvemsc@gdaha.org)  with your preferences regarding the best day or time of day.




#GMVEMSC: FW: Awareness Info for ALL Police, Fire, EMS, and Dispatch Agencies.

Dayton MMRS with Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association (GDAHA) and others are conducting a series of exercises called “Dawn of a New Day.”  One of these full-scale exercises will be held this Thursday, September 27 at 1400 Hours.  Four hospital facilities – Miami Valley Hospital, Miami Valley South, Miami Valley North, and Jamestown Emergency Department will be involved.  The exercise will conclude before 1700.


The scenario is an active shooter with an IED as part of a Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack.  There will be sounds of gunfire and a muffled explosion at the incident scene on the Miami Valley Main Campus only


There will not be any perpetrator, gunfire, or explosions at the other three locations (MVH-South,  MVH-North, or Jamestown ED).  However, there will be a busload of simulated and moulaged (i.e., with injury makeup) victims at each of those locations.


We are taking numerous steps to ensure that everyone knows of the exercise and to prevent it being confused with a real world event. 

·        MVH/Premier is doing a press release (attached). 

·        We’re doing videos describing the exercise that will be made available to hospital employees. 

·        Premier is posting signage about the exercise on the grounds and inside the hospital. 

·        We’re sending out a “Player Guide,” which I’ve attached.

·        The hospital will make multiple overhead announcements during the exercise. 

·        Each victim-actor will wear a lanyard with multiple envelopes.  Each envelope will be marked as “Victim-Actor” along with other information.  Other role-players (press, family) will have a badge on a lanyard (roughly 3” x 5”) stating that they are Actors (Press-Actor/Family Actor).

·        The “perpetrator” (who will only be at MVH) will wear a sign saying Exercise ACTOR (Perpetrator)

·        In addition to insisting that all phone, radio, and written communications include, “This is an exercise message,” we are also encouraging as often as practical, that the players say out loud “This is an exercise message” while they’re in the hospital. 


By the way, if you would like for any of your personnel to participate, I have a few open spots for law enforcement and EMS.  Just send me an email.



                           David N. Gerstner

                           MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator

                           Department of Fire  I  City of Dayton

                           300 N. Main St.  I  Dayton, Ohio 45402

       Office 937.333.4551  I  Fax 937.333.4561  I  www.daytonohio.gov

       24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail 9372278705@archwireless.net

       Cell  937.776.4410 
                           david.gerstner@daytonohio.gov  http://DaytonMMRS.org






#GMVEMSC: FW: Street Closing Alert: Ramp & Bridge Closures


Downtown Street Closures

 Upcoming Highway Ramp Closures
According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, the northbound I-75 ramps to eastbound and westbound US 35 will be closed from 10 p.m. September 27 until 6 a.m. September 28. The official detour is: I-75 north to the Second Street exit, then take the on-ramp to I-75.

Main Street Bridge Closures
Also according to ODOT, closures are planned for the Main Street bridge (SR 48 between Monument Avenue and Riverview Avenue) during the following dates and times:

  • September 28 at 8 p.m. through October 1 at 6 a.m.
  • October 5 at 8 p.m. through October 8 at 6 a.m.





#GMVEMSC: FW: Levitt Show Dedicated to First Responders


The Levitt Pavilion in downtown Dayton wanted to pass along that this Friday’s show is dedicated to all first responder’s and The Rad Trads will be performing. If you have not been to the Levitt yet you’re missing out,  it’s a very nice facility and you can bring your own food and drinks (just no glass containers).


The show starts at 7pm so bring a lawn chair and enjoy! Please pass this along to other jurisdictions.


Additional information can be found at this link: https://levittdayton.org/.





#GMVEMSC: Austin ED Now Open!

Please disregard previous email attachment. Correct flyer is attached to this email. 

MVH Austin has now opened for all emergency patients. The EMS phone number is 937-865-9663 and the fax number is 937-223-9175. Please see the attached flyer for additional details. 

Please contact me with any questions. 

Alex Brahm EMT-P

EMS Coordinator 

Austin Blvd Emergency Center & Jamestown Emergency Center

Premier Health

110 N Main. St.

Dayton, OH 45402

Cell- 937-477-9952

Fax- 937-341-8925


#GMVEMSC: Austin Emergency Center is now OPEN!

MVH  Austin has now opened for all emergency patients. The EMS phone number is 937-865-9663 and the fax number is 937-223-9175. Please see the attached flyer for additional details.


Alex Brahm EMT-P

EMS Coordinator

Premier Health

110 N. Main St.

Dayton, OH 45402

Work Site E1114

Cell- (937) 477-9952

Fax – (937)341-8925


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#GMVEMSC: FW: Regional Quarterly Triage Day: September 22

Just a reminder that today is a Quarterly Triage Day.  EMS agencies and hospitals throughout our region (except some areas of Clark and Champaign counties) will participate, placing triage ribbons and GREEN triage tags on all patients.  The MCI talk groups are to be used during the two time periods (1300 – 1500 and 2000 – 2200).  Hospitals will periodically update their GDAHA Surgenet MCI page, and practice entering patients into the OhTrac incident.


At the end of the drill or the end of your shift, please fill out this brief feedback form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SEP22QTD, or here’s a QR code for the survey that you can scan with your phone:


Thank you for participating in QTD drills. You are helping the region better prepare.


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#GMVEMSC: GMVEMSC Meeting - Tuesday, September 25th



The next meeting of the GMVEMSC will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 25th at GDAHA.

An agenda is attached and the draft minutes from July 24th will be provided at the meeting.


Please let me know if you have any questions.





Sandy Lehrter

Office Manager/Executive Assistant

Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association

Greater Miami Valley EMS Council


937.424.2374  m:  937.307.6553


241 Taylor St. Suite 130

Dayton, OH, 45402


www.gdaha.org  e: slehrter@gdaha.org




#GMVEMSC: FW: Dayton Main Street Bridge Closures

Downtown Dayton Main Street Bridge Closures
According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, closures are planned for the Main Street bridge (SR 48 between Monument Avenue and Riverview Avenue) during the following dates and times:

  • September 21 at 8 p.m. through September 24 at 6 a.m.
  • September 28 at 8 p.m. through October 1 at 6 a.m.
  • October 5 at 8 p.m. through October 8 at 6 a.m.






Interested in a part-time (prn) EMS Instructor position?

Contact me for further information!

Matthew S. Clark, AS, NR-Paramedic, CCP-C, TP-C, EMS-I

EMS Education Coordinator

EMS Center of Excellence - Outreach & Education

110 N. Main St., 11E12

Dayton, Ohio 45402

O: (937) 499-8755 (HQ)

O: (937) 440-7774 (UVMC)

M: (315) 559-4523

F:  (937) 641-2670 (RightFax)

E: MSClark@premierhealth.com

Find us on EMS CONNECT at: https://www.premierhealth.com/ems/

  at:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/EMSPremierHealth/

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#GMVEMSC Training: DCH Symposium Nov 9th 0800-1400

Please post and share


RSVP to: SchiblerM@childrensdayton.org or KossH@childrensdayton.org



Thank you,


Mike Schibler


EMS Coordinator, Emergency Department


Dayton Children's Hospital

One Children's Plaza

Dayton, Ohio 45404-1815

O: 937-641-4346

F: 937-641-4880






NOTICE: The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying documents or files is intended for the sole use of the recipient to whom it is addressed, and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and prohibited from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, or authorized to receive this on behalf of the recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, use, disclosure, copying, or distribution is prohibited and possibly a violation of federal/state law or regulations. If you received this information in error, please notify Dayton Children's Hospital immediately via telephone at (937) 641-5293, or via electronic mail cmcconfidentiality@childrensdayton.org and promptly destroy the original message. Thank you.

#GMVEMSC: KMC Hyperbaric Therapy Service

Good afternoon,


Kettering Medical Center will no longer provide emergency hyperbaric therapy services effective October 1, 2018. Please refer to the GMVEMSC protocol for appropriate alternative destinations for patients requiring emergency hyperbaric treatment.





Chris Vecchi, MPA, NRP, EMSI

EMS Coordinator

Kettering Health Network

o. 937.762.1783

f. 937.522.7714

Kettering Health Network

**KHN Confidentiality Notice**
This email may contain legally privileged and confidential information from Kettering Health Network intended only for the individual or entity named above as the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us by email and promptly delete the original message.

#GMVEMSC: Fwd: 2018 Marathon Instructions for Mutual Aid and Staging

Subject: RE: 2018 Marathon Instructions for Mutual Aid and Staging


I had an error with the Fire/EMS Channel Language this is the correct
version for communication Channels. Sorry for the second email.

Very Respectfully,


Jacob D King, Fire Chief

Fire & Emergency Services
Wright Patterson AFB
5180 Skeel Ave.
WPAFB, Ohio 45433
Comm: 937-257-4827 - DSN: 787-4827
Cell: 937-750-8316 - Fax:  937-656-1169
"Reflecting Excellence in All We Do"

Caution: This message may contain competitive, sensitive or other non-public
information not intended for disclosure outside official government
channels.  Do not disseminate this message without the approval of the
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition.  If you
received this message in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and
delete all copies of this message.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 3:13 PM
To: 'mike.riley@ci.fairborn.oh.us' <mike.riley@ci.fairborn.oh.us>; 'Dave
Reichert' <dave.reichert@ci.fairborn.oh.us>; 'DStitzel@riversideoh.gov'
<DStitzel@riversideoh.gov>; 'joesph.wiesman@daytonohio.gov'
<joesph.wiesman@daytonohio.gov>; 'Jeffrey L. Payne'
<Jeffrey.Payne@daytonohio.gov>; 'Valerie Tate' <vtate@mvfea.com>; 'Gerstner,
David' <David.Gerstner@daytonohio.gov>; 'Bergman, Elmer'
<Bergman@englewood.oh.us>; 'Colin Altman' <caltman@mtfr.org>; 'Andes, David'
<David.Andes@daytonohio.gov>; 'dvandenbos@beavercreektownship.org'
<dvandenbos@beavercreektownship.org>; 'efisher@co.greene.oh.us'
<efisher@co.greene.oh.us>; 'wilsond@mcohiosheriff.org'
<wilsond@mcohiosheriff.org>; 'streckr@mcohiosheriff.org'
<streckr@mcohiosheriff.org>; 'dburchett@clarkcountyohio.gov'
<dburchett@clarkcountyohio.gov>; 'Clark, Chris'
<cclark@clarkcountyohio.gov>; 'Ashworth, Mark' <MAshworth@hhoh.org>
Cc: JOHNSON, TYLER A Maj USAF AFMC 788 CES/CC <tyler.johnson.1@us.af.mil>;
RITTGERS, AARON W Lt Col USAF AFMC 88 SFS/CC <aaron.rittgers@us.af.mil>
Subject: 2018 Marathon Instructions for Mutual Aid and Staging

Fire/EMS/LEO Leaders,
Attached is the communications channels to use if requested mutual aid to
WPAFB and the maps to our 3 Staging areas.  Included in the attachment are
multiple means for Dispatch Centers, your department members and you to
contact us if needed.

Please pass to on duty personnel, your Law Enforcement Counter parts, any
questions please feel free to contact me immediately.

Very Respectfully,


Jacob D King, Fire Chief

Fire Emergency Services
Wright Patterson AFB
5180 Skeel Ave.
WPAFB, Ohio 45433
Comm: 937-257-4827 - DSN: 787-4827
Cell: 937-750-8316 - Fax:  937-656-1169
"Reflecting Excellence in All We Do"

Caution: This message may contain competitive, sensitive or other non-public
information not intended for disclosure outside official government
channels.  Do not disseminate this message without the approval of the
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition.  If you
received this message in error, please notify the sender by reply e-mail and
delete all copies of this message.


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I N S T R U C T O R  C O U R S E

40 hour Fire & EMS Instructor Core Course

with an

ß 8 hour EMS Training Module ß

Sponsored by:

The Premier Health EMS Center of Excellence


40 hour Core - 29 October through 2 November (Monday-Friday)

8 hour EMS Module – 5 November (Monday)

From 0800-1700


Englewood Fire – Station 98

333 W. National Rd., Englewood, OH


$275.- for both the Core Course & EMS Training Module

$100.- for the EMS Training Module (only)


EMS Instructor Candidate: (http://www.ems.ohio.gov/certifications-initial-instructor.aspx)

Assistant EMS Instructor Candidate: (http://www.ems.ohio.gov/certifications-initial-asstInstructor.aspx)

If you currently hold credentials as an ODPS Fire Instructor you need only attend the 8 hr. EMS Training Module on 5 November.


NOTE:  An individual who holds at least a BACCALAUREATE DEGREE in EDUCATION may receive credit for the 40 hour Core Course (Instruction of Adult Students and Basic Teaching Techniques). All other requirements for instructor certification must be met and PRIOR APPROVAL from the DIVISION of EMS is REQUIRED.



Contact Matt Clark, EMS Coordinator via e-mail at MSClark@premierhealth.com



Current Instructors

Watch for information on an upcoming INSTRUCTOR UPDATE COURSE

to be tentatively held on Friday, 9 November at UVMC!


#GMVEMSC: FW: Regional Quarterly Triage Day: September 22

The region’s next Quarterly Triage Day (QTD) Drill will start at 8 am September 22, 2018, and end at 8 am on September 23, 2018. 

·        During this exercise every patient should receive a triage ribbon and a GREEN triage tag.

·        Hospitals should apply the tag and ribbon if EMS does not or if the patient self-transports.

All hospitals need to monitor MCI radios from 1 – 3 pm and from 8 – 10 pm.  EMS crews transporting patients to a hospital during these times should provide a brief message to the hospital via the MCI radios.

All hospitals should update their GDAHA Surgenet MCI page at least once every 8 hours, and practice entering patients into the OhTrac incident, which will be created by GDAHA for the drill.

There is more information in the attachments, including an MCI Communications Drill Job Aid, and a QTD flyer.  POST THE FLYERS.  Please help us get the word out to all line personnel, both in EMS and in EDs.

If you need additional GREEN triage tags or triage ribbons, contact GDAHA or Dayton MMRS.  Training materials (with CE) for both EMS and hospital personnel continue to be available at http://gmvemsc.org/training-mcicomm.html

Thank you for participating in QTD drills. You are helping the region better prepare.


                           David N. Gerstner

                           MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator

                           Department of Fire  I  City of Dayton

                           300 N. Main St.  I  Dayton, Ohio 45402

       Office 937.333.4551  I  Fax 937.333.4561  I  www.daytonohio.gov

       24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail 9372278705@archwireless.net

       Cell  937.776.4410 
                           david.gerstner@daytonohio.gov  http://DaytonMMRS.org





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#GMVEMSC: Passing of Chief Linda Cook

Our Chief Linda Cook passed away 9/11/18 after a very brief fight with cancer. The memorial service will be held on Saturday 9/15/2018 at 1100 hrs at the United Christian Church at 8611 Hoke Road in Clayton. In lieu of flowers, the family is asking that donations be made to Hospice of Dayton and/or the Union Township Life Squad.


Thanks in advance and let me know if you have any questions.


Brad Phillips

Acting Asst. Chief

Union Twp. Life Squad



Sent from Mail for Windows 10


#GMVEMSC: Exercise Opportunities for EMS (and RTF)

Two full scale exercises are coming up for our region soon, and we need your help!  GDAHA, MMRS, Premier Health, and Mercy Health are sponsoring “Dawn of a New Day” MCI exercises involving terrorism, an active shooter incident, and an IED. 

·         The first exercise will be September 27th, based at Miami Valley Hospital, and involve multiple other locations, including Miami Valley Hospital North, Miami Valley Hospital South, and Jamestown Emergency Department.  Exercise will begin for RTF and most law enforcement at approximately 1230, and non-RTF EMS will need to be in place by 1315 Hours.  Exercise will end by no later than 1700, and probably earlier.  Con Ed hours will be given for this exercise.


·         The second exercise will be October 4th, based at Springfield Regional Medical Center, and involve multiple other locations, including Mercy Health Urbana.  Exercise will begin for RTF and most law enforcement at approximately 0930, and non-RTF EMS will need to be in place by 1015 Hours.  Exercise will end by no later than 1300, and probably earlier.  Con Ed hours may not be available for this exercise.


There will be a command structure established at each location (IC; EMS; Triage, Treatment, Transport Officer, Communications Aide, etc.).  Personnel may be used in some of those roles at the discretion of IC.

  • We need three to four staffed Medic Units. 
  • Both exercises will involve the Regional Rescue Task Force, and we need at least eight RTF personnel plus one RTFL for Unified Command.


We are also in need of EMS personnel as Controllers and Evaluators.  To be involved in any way for this exercise, just send an email to david.gerstner@daytonohio.gov.



                           David N. Gerstner

                           MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator

                           Department of Fire  I  City of Dayton

                           300 N. Main St.  I  Dayton, Ohio 45402

       Office 937.333.4551  I  Fax 937.333.4561  I  www.daytonohio.gov

       24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail 9372278705@archwireless.net

       Cell  937.776.4410 
                           david.gerstner@daytonohio.gov  http://DaytonMMRS.org





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