#GMVEMSC: King Airway Training


Please post and Share!


If you have experience with the King Airway and would like to learn some tricks and practice. If you have never used the King Airway and would like to learn, this class is for you! Ambu Inc/Bountree Medical will be offering training on all sizes of the King Airway including pediatrics at dayton children's.


Everyone is welcome.


Please Join Us!


Heather Koss RN EMTP

EMS Coordinator


Dayton Children's Hospital

One Children's Plaza

Dayton, Ohio 45404-1815

O: 937-641-4534

M: 937-829-7985

F: 937-641-3131

E: kossh@childrensdayton.org








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#GMVEMSC: Fit for the Fight Public Safety Wellness Survey


Please help us make Fit for the Fight Public Safety Wellness event more successful next year by completing the below survey. By providing feedback you will be entered to win a giftcard!!




Aimee Maychack, AAS, Paramedic, EMSI

EMS Coordinator, Emergency Services

Kettering Health Network

Office: 937-298-3399 ext. 45773



Kettering Health Network

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#GMVEMSC: Invitation for Montgomery County First Responders and Families

Please share with your staff.

All Montgomery County First Responders and their Families are Welcome!

This three day event is to honor you and your family for all that you do to keep Montgomery County Safe, Healthy, Strong.

Register your name and the number of family attending (including yourself) through the link below, or in-person at Montgomery County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services
(ADAMHS) (409 E. Monument Ave., Suite 102, Dayton, Ohio 45402).  

Select your day and when you arrive at Scene75, provide the Welcome Desk with your name to receive vouchers for Games and Food and More! 

Vouchers are single use between December 26th-28th.  

6196 Poe Ave, Dayton, OH 45414
Hours: 11:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.

Registration will Close December 20th 2017.
This is a plain clothes and personal vehicles only event.

Password: ADAMHS




Contact- Jennifer Cox
#: 937-853-4303
Email: jcox@mcadamhs.org





#GMVEMSC: GMVEMSC CQI Meeting Reminder



The CQI Committee requests that your EMS department submit data on the following measure categories: Cardiac Arrest, Chest Pain, and Stroke. We request that data in the following target months: July, August, September and October. You are able to submit other months to complete a year’s worth of data. We also have other measures available to you that the Committee is not requesting. We currently have measures in the SMR category. You are able to use/submit data on these measures for your department. We would like to discuss our measurement data at our next meeting. Which is on Tuesday, December 5th at 1130. The meeting is held at the GDAHA building at 241 Taylor Street Suite 130 in Dayton.


To submit data, download 1 or 2 of the attached workbooks. If your department has the ability to query multiple EMS calls through its ePCR program, then try out the Multiple PCR Workbook. If you can’t query multiple EMS calls or you prefer completing your QA/QI with a single PCR, then the Single PCR Workbook is your workbook. Both workbooks have a “How To Use” sheet within the workbook. But as always, if you have any questions, please email GMVEMSC.CQI@gmail.com.




Chris L. Brock



#GMVEMSC: GMVEMS Council Meeting - November 28th - 2:00 p.m.

Good afternoon,

The next meeting of the GMVEMSC is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 28th at GDAHA.

In preparation for the meeting I have attached an agenda and the draft minutes from the September 26th meeting.


Please let me know if you have any questions.





Sandy Lehrter

Office Manager/Executive Assistant

Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association

Greater Miami Valley EMS Council

241 Taylor Street

Suite 130

Dayton, OH 45402

P: (937) 424-2374

C: (937) 307-6553



#GMVEMSC: GMVEMSC Research Committee Meeting - November 21st

**Please Note**


The next meeting of the GMVEMSC Research Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, November 21st at 12:00 p.m.

Please respond to this email with your attendance plans as lunch will be provided.




#GMVEMSC: Firefighter or EMT of the Year Award

The Greater Montgomery County Fire Chiefs Association (GMCFCA) is accepting nominations for the Firefighter or EMT of the Year Award.  This award is a great honor, and is presented at the joint GMCFCA and Police Chiefs Association of Montgomery County Annual Installation and Awards Banquet. 


Many (probably all) departments in Montgomery County have personnel who are deserving of this award –let us know who they are!  Send your nominations to Chief Chad Follick of Vandalia Division of Fire at cfollick@vandaliaohio.org, or call Chief Follick at (937) 898-2261.


Please send all your nominations by as soon as possible, but no later than December 1, 2017.




#GMVEMSC: Most Up to Date and Accurate Information on Fentanyl Risks and PPE

Here are the most current guidance documents on issues related to risks from Fentanyl and fentanyl analogues (carfentanil, sufentanil, etc.).  A regional guidance document is under development, but these papers are very useful.  Please disseminate these widely with your personnel.


Myths and Facts paper from the Office of Health Affairs at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security:  http://www.peaf.us/sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderfiles/fentanyl-myths-facts-sep2017.pdf


White House paper. Nicely done..



If you want to know how these were developed, below is the paper that gives the science behind all this, that has been endorsed by numerous medical groups including our RPAB:  http://www.acmt.net/_Library/Fentanyl_Position/Fentanyl_PPE_Emergency_Responders_.pdf


Finally, there's a paper from the IAB that is also very good:  https://www.interagencyboard.org/sites/default/files/publications/IAB%20First%20Responder%20PPE%20and%20Decontamination%20Recommendations%20for%20Fentanyl.pdf


For short reads (one sheet each) the first two are highly recommended.




#GMVEMSC: Reminder: 2018 Mission: Lifeline EMS Quality Achievement Recognition Customer Webinar Tomorrow




Mission: Lifeline® EMS

A Case Study in Mission: Lifeline Participation


Thursday, November 16, 2017

1:00pm - 2:00pm EST

Advance Registration Required



Join us for our upcoming webinar, “A Case Study in Mission: Lifeline Participation”. Presenters Terri King and Danny Johns will discuss how their agency, Williamson County EMS (Georgetown, Texas), utilized data collection and analysis to drive decision-making and foster a culture of quality that ultimately resulted in their achieving Mission: Lifeline EMS recognition.


The webinar will also include a review of the 2018 Mission: Lifeline EMS recognition data collection tool.


Register Here: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/9108373402376820483


2018 Mission: Lifeline EMS recognition resources are now available on the website. Feel free to review these documents and share them with your EMS partners.


Thank you



Alexander R. Kuhn

Senior Director, Quality and Systems Improvement


Great Rivers Affiliate

5455 North High Street  I  Columbus, Ohio 43214

alexander.kuhn@heart.org  I  www.heart.org

P 614.396.4336  I  C 740.972.9104   I  F 614.848.4227



a smile is why












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#GMVEMSC Training: Join Premier Health for a Cadaver Lab!

Please post and share! See attachment.


Premier Health EMS Center of Excellence along with Miami Valley Hospital and Teleflex would like to invite you to join us for hands on cadaver lab. There will be a focus on airway management, and EZ-IO application.


When: November 28, 2017

Time: 1-1.5 hours Multiple sessions/times to choose from (see online registration for additional details)

Where: Crowne Plaza Dayton Harding Ballroom 33 E. 5th Street Dayton, OH 45402

Registration Require Online: http://teleflexcma.formstack.com/forms/miami_valley_hospital_airway_management_dayton_oh_2017_11_28&;


Questions? Contact Premier Health EMS Coordinator Elizabeth Evans ejevans@premierhealth.com or 937-438-4438


Elizabeth Evans

EMS Coordinator

Miami Valley South & Miami Valley Jamestown

Phone: 937-438-4438

Fax: 937-223-9314

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In August of this year, we replaced our 2 older/smaller hyperbaric chambers with a state of the art much larger hyperbaric chamber at Kettering Medical Center.

This new chamber allows us to continue 24/7 emergency hyperbaric services at Kettering Medical Center.  Please join us at Kettering Medical Center on Wednesday November 15th from 1130-1330 for an open house.  You will get to see the new chamber and learn about our capabilities.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.




Ryan Konkel, BS, NRP

EMS Coordinator, Emergency Medical Services

Kettering Health Network

O.(937)-395-6110  x56110




Kettering Health Network

**KHN Confidentiality Notice**
This email may contain legally privileged and confidential information from Kettering Health Network intended only for the individual or entity named above as the intended recipient. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is prohibited. If you received this communication in error, please notify us by email and promptly delete the original message.

#GMVEMSC: GMVEMSC Legislative Committee Meeting - November 15th

**Please Note**


The next meeting of the GMVEMSC Legislative Committee is scheduled for November 15th at 12:00 p.m. at GDAHA.

Please respond with your attendance plans as lunch will be provided.




#GMVEMSC: FW: Dayton MMRS Steering Committee Meeting!

It’s not too late yet, but you only have until this Thursday, November 9 to sign up!  It only takes a few seconds; just click here:



We'll send specifics to everyone who signs up, but here's the timeline:

0730 - Continental Breakfast

08-1230 - Morning meeting (numerous topics)

1230 - 1330 - Lunch

1330 - 1700 - Afternoon session (all active shooter)

Sign up before it is too late!  And please share this with all law enforcement personnel, as well as EMS, fire, and hospitals.  They are going to want to hear what Lt. McGhee has to say.


You do not want to miss the 2017 Dayton MMRS Steering Committee Meeting!  You must register to attend:  just use the link below.  And please post the attached flyer for everyone to see!


The meeting is Tuesday, November 14th, at Bieser Auditorium in the Berry Women’s Center at Miami Valley Hospital.  There will be a complimentary breakfast (7:30 AM) plus a lunch with our speakers and up to eight hours of free EMS Continuing Education.


We have a terrific program lined up – see the attached poster!  Here’s just some of what you can expect:

·         WMD briefing from the FBI

·         Updates for and about our region, including information about regional assets and upcoming exercises

·         Department of Homeland Security Intel Analyst Report

·         Update on the Las Vegas attack

·        Active Shooter Incident Overview:  Aurora, Colorado Century Theater, by Lt. Sam McGhee, Aurora Police Department

·        Responses to YOUR questions about ASPR’s National Health Care Preparedness Programs, the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule, the Coalition Surge Test, and other related issues by Richard C. Hunt, MD, FACEP, Senior Medical Advisor for National Healthcare Preparedness Programs, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)


All that is in the morning session.  The afternoon will focus entirely on lessons learned in response to active shooter incidents.  I sat with hundreds of law enforcement and EMS personnel for Lt. McGhee’s audiovisual presentation in Tampa, and I can tell you that it is amazing! 


Attend the morning, the afternoon, or both, but sign up!  Click the link to register – seats fill up quick!  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MMRS2017Steering


Remember, this is open to all personnel in:

·         Law enforcement

·         Hospitals

·         EMS

·         Fire departments

·         Public safety dispatch centers

·         EMAs

·         Coroners

·         Public health


No kidding – you don’t want to miss it!




                           David N. Gerstner

                           MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator

                           Department of Fire  I  City of Dayton

                           300 N. Main St.  I  Dayton, Ohio 45402

       Office 937.333.4551  I  Fax 937.333.4561  I  www.daytonohio.gov

       24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail 9372278705@archwireless.net
       david.gerstner@daytonohio.gov  http://DaytonMMRS.org






#GMVEMSC: Website & App Committee Meeting - December 6th

The next meeting of the GMVEMSC Website & App Committee is scheduled for  December 6th  from 9am-11am at GDAHA

Anyone interested is welcome to attend!


Please  RSVP to Elizabeth Evans at ejevans@premierhealth.com with your attendance plans.





#GMVEMSC: Pedibag Grant Requirements

Please read and share this important attached information regarding pediatric emergency medical equipment (Pedibags) from Dayton Children's.


Contact Heather Koss with any questions:


Heather Koss RN EMTP

EMS Coordinator

Dayton Children's Hospital

One Children's Plaza

Dayton, Ohio 45404-1815

O: 937-641-4534

M: 937-829-7985

E: kossh@childrensdayton.org




#GMVEMSC: November 14th Standing Orders Committee Meeting




The November Standing Orders meeting on 14 November has been cancelled. It is the same day as the MMRS all day presentation.


The meeting on 12 December stands.


Have a great Thanksgiving.


Jack Mix

GMVEMSC Standing Orders Committee