This full-scale exercise is titled “Chaos and Confusion - the Day After”. For first responders, the exercise will involve only very short play sometime the morning of November 9th. You will not be playing the entire time!
PLEASE READ BELOW and SIGN UP. ALSO, PLEASE ENCOURAGE YOUR PARTNERS (law enforcement, dispatchers, coroners, EMAs, etc.) TO PLAY AS WELL. This is our first ever test of our ability to distribute antibiotics in an emergency, and we need you to help. We will distribute candies to simulate antibiotic pills.
As you know from EMS Standing Orders, Dayton MMRS maintains a supply of Cipro and Doxy to provide treatment for firefighters, EMS personnel, law enforcement officers, EMA personnel, public safety dispatchers, public health personnel, and coroner’s personnel, and their immediate families for use during a bioterror attack. This cache is a 2 to 3-day supply that covers response organizations and their family members until the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) would arrive.
For the exercise, each EMS would send one representative to pick up antibiotics and written materials from your local health department, who will have already received the simulated antibiotics from the MMRS cache. EMS will then bring back the “pills” (candies), and dispense at your location. EMS will NOT have to leave your county.
Questions regarding the exercise can be directed to Larry Cleek at 225-4483 or Tracy Clare at 225-5713.
Agencies participating will be notified by email the morning of the exercise that release authority has been given for use of the MMRS cache. EMS will then contact their county health department. The “antibiotics” will have already been distributed to the local county health department (LHD), and packaged and labeled them.
EMS personnel will then distribute the candy antibiotics to the listed personnel and their household family members, assuming that the emergency declaration and approval by the Governor’s office has been announced. The simulated Governor’s declaration will be attached to the email.
EMS Responsibilities for the Exercise
· Identify the relevant agencies (see below) in their jurisdiction, and the names of the personnel receiving antibiotics for themselves or as heads of household. For the exercise, that means ONLY IF THOSE RELEVANT AGENCIES WHO ARE ALSO PLAYING.
1. Law enforcement (LE) officers (sworn personnel)
2. Coroner’s employees
3. County emergency management agency personnel
4. Emergency medical services (EMS) personnel (EMRs, EMTs, AEMTs, and Paramedics)
5. Public safety (LE, fire, EMS) dispatchers
6. Firefighters
7. Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association (GDAHA) employees (not hospital personnel)
· Each EMS then directly distributes the antibiotic candies to your personnel, and any of the other disciplines above WHO ARE PLAYING in your jurisdiction. For example, Dayton Fire Department would receive antibiotics from Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County, then dispense them to personnel from the agencies on the list above that are located within the City of Dayton: Dayton Fire, Dayton Police Department, Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, Montgomery County Coroner’s Officer, Montgomery County EMA, and GDAHA. Since Dayton is dispatched by a center located in a different jurisdiction, DFD would not be responsible for the dispatchers.
· At the discretion of the LHD, the LHD may choose to distribute antibiotics to the other disciplines/agencies in their county, rather than having EMS agencies do so.
· Personnel from each agency must individually present to the EMS agency or LHD that is dispensing the antibiotics.
· Provide the aggregate number of personnel and household family members and total “courses” of Ciprofloxacin or Doxycycline to the LHD.
· Pick-up candies, according to pre-determined schedule, at the LHD.
· Provide the names of individuals authorized to receive the antibiotics for the jurisdiction to the LHD.
· Distribute instructions and have personnel complete the “NAPH” Forms from your LHD.
· A qualified EMS professional will:
o Check the expiration date, drug amount and quantities.
o Distribute the NAPH form to each employee.
§ Each employee will fill the form out for themselves and their immediate family that lives within their house.
o Provide all other written materials to each recipient.
o If there is a medical question, the LHD will be contacted.
o Record the drug lot number on the NAPH form
o After all jurisdictional personnel have received their MCMs, the EMS agency will notify the LHD of completion.
Once that’s done, you fill out a Feedback form for the exercise, and that’s it! You’re done.
Here is the link to register for the exercise coming up in November; Chaos & Confusion – The Day After. All organizations, players, and evaluators involved in the exercise will need to register. Please sign up to play!
David N. Gerstner
MMRS/RMRS/EP Coordinator
Department of Fire I City of Dayton
300 N. Main St. I Dayton, Ohio 45402
Office 937.333.4551 I Fax 937.333.4561 I
24/7 Pager: 937-227-8705 or E-mail I